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Growing With Landscape Fabric

Growing With Landscape Fabric

While weed suppression is our main reason for using landscape fabric, there are a few additional benefits worth noting.

The first year I grew flowers, my cutting garden was a delightful jungle of flowers and waist high weeds. While I loved the process of selecting varieties, planting, tending and picking I hadn’t anticipated just how much energy would be used battling weeds to ensure a healthy and abundant harvest.

More successful experience

The following spring, determined to have a more successful experience, I borrowed a thousand dollars from my Mom and ordered enough landscape fabric to cover my barely half acre plot. While it was a huge investment, it was the only way I could see being able to manage the weeds, wrangle our two small children and grow my budding little business.

Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes

That spring, Chris burned close to 15,000 holes in landscape fabric and I finally had a thriving and relatively weed free garden. A lot has changed since then, both the kids and the garden have grown rapidly, but that initial batch of landscape fabric is still in use and has been added to each season.

While weed suppression is our main reason for using landscape fabric, there are a few additional benefits worth noting.

The majority of our stock is in its eighth season and shows little to no wear. I recently inherited a batch from a former flower farmer that dates back to the early 90’s and is still in pretty good shape considering its age. I am hopeful that ours will last for 20+ years.

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